Nebraska and a bit

Yes indeed there was trouble. I had planned to sleep in the Nebraska National Forest campground, but as I got to Chadron as it was getting dark and refuelled I found that the rain was upon me. I sheltered in the filling station for a while and took the decision of splurging on a night…


So I got to Winnipeg, After the rain fiasco I have to confess I look forward to a few days hosteling. As per usual it is cheaper than camping which, for a Scot, makes it all the much more enjoyable. Not sure what to expect from Winnipeg, it’s a medium size city in the middle…

Milestones: 10,000 Miles (motor)

The mean of transport changes but the loupe is still there. I thought about writing on the Inukshuk but then I preferred not to, in sign of respect for the spirit. So I parked the bicycle for a while, turns out it might end up being for a couple of years, as the ambition to do…

Quebec City

What a ride! First time I do more than 500 Km in a day and boy I felt it! I really must buy myself a pair of hear plugs. As I got to the camp site I could not hear myself think. Things will be helped by the next set of tyres I get which…

Prince Edward Island

There are only two hostels on PEI (Prince Edward Island) and they are not where I need them. I cross the Confederation Bridge, read it up, it’s rather impressive, and stop straight away at the information point. The weather is good so camping is an option and I almost by chance find a nice motel…

Cape Breton Island

Getting back to the hostel in Halifax had sort of a get back home feel, one should not underestimate the sense of homelessness that the nomad life can bring upon people that have been raised in a traditional home-school-work-home fashion. The fact that some familiar faces were there too made it all the better. I…


So I got to Wolfville and, right enough met Bill in the centre of town where we head for Paddy’s Pub. The first cool thing about Canada that Bill makes me aware of is how secure the pace is. I leave the helmet the bag pack and the leather jacket sitting on the bike outside…

Lighthouse to Evangeline

And so it starts, bike packed and ready to go. I’m going to be back to Halifax at the end of the week as I have the first service booked at the dealership. I guess it’s a sort of slow start for a trip that from this end, looks like it’s going to last an…

Halifax landing

Halifax, Nova Scotia. There is a small shack on the seafront that actually sells T-Shirts with the writing New Scotland and a sign that says Nova Scotia in latin means new Scotland. This, I suspect like many other Scots before, is my port of entrance to Canada. If first impressions are to be trusted, this…


So, I first realised that going from Glasgow to Halifax was possibly cheaper if a stopover in Iceland was added. This grew into a “what about if I stop in Iceland for a week? Never been there”, and then, when I realise that various  other reasons were going to keep me in Glasgow till nearly…