Europe in between

So, that’s it, another big trip is over. After Europe, Oceania and South America in bicycle, Europe and North America in motorbike and a bit of kicking about in between I’m back on the mother land and on my way to spend a few weeks between the UK and Italy before I set off again…


Damage done, the offer on the flat was accepted, I can now leave Scotland and start the long meandering way towards the southern sun. The first stop is Cumbria and lunch with the Winders in Wigton. The temptation is there to retrace the route i cycled last year, but the time is limited and the…

Vroom, vroom

Modena 27/8/15 So it starts again, this time though with a bit of a difference, I’ll be picking up new wheels, still two, but this time between them there will be an 800 cc engine. I get up early and pick up the stuff that is already packed. For a change I have done all…

Bonjour Saint-Malo

If you see it that is Saint-Malo through a very dirty ferry window. This is a short post just to get the line right on the Journal page. The crossing was uneventful and quite relaxing. I slept on the floor, like many other travellers, but I have to say the floor can be quite comfortable….

To the ferry

Really chucking down on the way to the port, but I mastered the rain cape and did not get too wet in the process. The route below includes a bit of cross country which I suspect gave me a taste of things to come (i.e. muddy roads with puddles) in the equatorial regions of Africa….

The end of England

Let me first tell you that as far as Tuna is concerned, you get what you pay for. This (pictured above) tin of tuna was to die for. Eaten on the side of the road with a dash of curry powder and a pinch of salt, it formed the perfect lunchtime filling. I am whole…

Let them all cycle

Another day another 50 miles under the belt. This will take me past half way to the first milestone which I presume will be somewhere in western France. Only a few notable events in the day so I will dispense them and then move onto a more interesting topic of conversation I have been having…

De amicitia

My best friend had great friends, it was great to spend time with them. I got to Leek Wootton last Thursday and spent a few days in Warwickshire, a place where I have spent on and off lots of time in the last seventeen years. I was guest of Jo and Martin and I loved spending time…


I started the day well grumpy. The Hostel was good and the staff courteous as usual, but I had the roommate from hell, first time for everything. Obviously not one of the in crowd, unaware of hostel-etiquette, he was noisy all through the night and I got very little if any sleeping. Luckily he left…

It’s good to talk

The storm has gone and I’m on the road again, I was not expecting a day off yesterday, but the storm was really terrible, a friend even pointed me to this article showing, apparently, a waterfall was blown backward by the wind. Never mind the waterfall, I would have been blown about no end with my large…