Vancouver Island

Out of the city and back in the wilderness of Canada. Vancouver was good but now it’s off to the Island and see if all the people that told me good things about it were right. First thing, as I queue for the ferry, I meet this bunch of bikers that are going my same…


I spent three nights in Vancouver and reacquainted myself with the feel of a big city. Vancouver is however a bit different. It’s tidy and people seem just quite happy, it’s clean and it has a lovely sea front. The hostel was good and I have become quite accustomed to sharing room with people of…

Back to Canada

Nice evening at Camp Gonzo, spending the evening with the guys and a whole other set of people was fun but it’s time to get on the road again. Heading north towards Canada now and I’ve got a bit of a gamble ahead of me. It’s late in the summer and I hope not to…

9 Finger Ranch

I have to stay in Manitoba a little bit longer, the USA will have to wait. I had the motorbike serviced on Wednesday and I ordered a new back tyre which will be fitted on Monday. Also I decided to invest in a security chain, Canada seems to be largely crime free but I’m not…


So I got to Winnipeg, After the rain fiasco I have to confess I look forward to a few days hosteling. As per usual it is cheaper than camping which, for a Scot, makes it all the much more enjoyable. Not sure what to expect from Winnipeg, it’s a medium size city in the middle…

Northern exposure

After the splendid two days in and around Manitoulin it’s time to tackle the long ride across the northern shores of Lake Superior. I have been warned by several people that this would be a long stretch, in distance, nearly one thousand miles, as well as in effort, that of staying alert to both wildlife…

First Nations

The time I spent in Niagara was good, it was not cheesy and, despite the developers best effort to ruin the scenery it has kept most of its wonder. It’s time to leave now, heading north and then west over the lakes traversing all of the vast Province of Ontario on the way to Winnipeg…

Niagara Falls

I get going with leisure, I told Bruno I’d be with him at elevenish and it is only going to take me a couple of hours. Bruno was at school with my dad back in the village of Lama and, while he has my same surname I do not think we are closely related. In…


Another short transfer and I’m in the federal capital. This move had to be short and sharp as I’m only staying the day and one night. I get into the hostel, dump the stuff and go straight out exploring. The objective for the capital is to do a tour of the parliament and, ideally meet…


Quebec City and its fun crowd left behind It’s time to move to the main city in Quebec, the world known Montreal. Not a long ride gets me into town relatively early and it’s hot, what is needed is a shower but the check in is not for a couple of hours so I just end…