Quebec City

What a ride! First time I do more than 500 Km in a day and boy I felt it! I really must buy myself a pair of hear plugs. As I got to the camp site I could not hear myself think. Things will be helped by the next set of tyres I get which will have less extreme threading, but in the meantime I need to do something, if I do not want to get to Winnipeg deaf. I crossed the bulk of New Brunswick rather eventlessly, only a stop in Fredericton (capital) to get a drink and the inevitable sticker flag for the pannier.

From there to the campsite, a further 170 Km west, it was just the case of dodging the showers using the stop start technique learned in cycle touring. I must say it’s easier with a motorbike ‘cos you get to outrun them too.

Lovely affordable campsite with built in pub. What more can one ask?
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The route to Quebec City
Stunning views on route for Quebec City. There truly is a lot of empty forest space in New Brunswick.

I was torn on what to do with accommodation in Quebec City, they did not have space in the HI Hostel and I thought about spending the first night in a campsite and then get to the HIH the second night. In the end I found another hostel the Auberge Maeva, even more affordable and, as it turns out, with a splendid crowd. Dumped the stuff there was only one thing to do, go explore.

First impression, pretty.
With impressive public art
For those who like to know bout the public art.
Most amazing selection of mackerel ever seen.
And the rest of the dispaly is a match.
Where do you think they produce maple sirup?

The market was amazing and I came away with an ice cream, appropriate as the temperature was really high. After that it was just the case of wondering around the centre and make sure I followed the crowd just enough not to miss any of the main attractions.

More impressive art.
With legend.
Must get cold in the winter.
Also a stunning little square
With floating boats, floating in the air that is.
I resisted the temptation to ride a cannon.
More nice buildings.
And the quiet view over a crowded square.
The St. Lorenz river from the top of the citadel.
And something tells me these people come from where I come from.
Top price for shop name.
Drinks avenue, pedestrianised on saturdays.
but in the back alleys it’s a bit chaotic.

A nice long walk and I managed to get both a Quebec sticker and a moose warning sign sticker, you’ll see in the pictures of the bike from now on.

On the way to the hostel I get a bit of food and, as I get back and I’m starting to think about frying my sausages, did you think for a moment I actually bought anything healthy? I get told that there is a barbecue going at the back and I’m welcome to throw my meat on and join. This si the start of another nice evening in which I spend hours chatting a bit in English and a bit in Spanish from a whole host of people from Switzerland, France, England and Quebec. It is sometime a privilege to be part of this global nomadic community of traveller, it does not matter what mean of transport you use, you’re always welcome.

Who’s sausages are those? I wonder.

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