A friend in Tigre

So this is the end of the cycling part of the trip but I still have the matter of another half months to go before I set sail for the northern hemisphere and it’s starting spring. Given that I’m moving north I hope I will not get affected too much by the incoming autumn and…

That Sydney feeling

Quite good fun in Bariloche, met so many cool people, some on the middle of their stay, some on the end, some on foot, some on bike and some like me cycling around. The traveling circus is really full of great people, special, unbound and so very detached from all those things that appear to…

El Bolson to Bariloche and around it.

So the time has come for me to leave El Bolson. I say my farewell in the evening to Victor and Tammy as thy are going to work early and, while committed, I am not planning to leave at the crack of dawn. In the morning, as it turns out, I wake up with even…

Cerro Lindo

It is the last week end of the stay in El Bolson and I finally get round to do some serious treaking. There is a wealth of treaks around El Bolson and I initially wanted to go for the one that leads to the glacier Hielo Azul. Victor however advices me not to and to…

La ruta 40 y El Bolson

So, all crazy things done and dusted and, for the matter, also the cycling, I’m packed and ready to tackle a large chunk of the legendary Ruta 40 from the comfort of a bus seat. I have people waiting for me in El Bolson, roughly 900 miles north of El Calafate for my next WorkAway…

El pueblo de la locura

El Calafate is a funny place, it does not resembles anywhere else I saw in Argentina before.  In fact it reminds me a little bit of Queenstown in New Zealand. As I get into town I see many shops advertising all sort of weird and wacky adventure experiences. After I get all my ducks in…

And then to El Calafate

Puerto Nadales did beat expectations and it is now time to leave for “la ventura” once again. Not really sure what will lay in front of me as I have been warned of uphill struggle and badly unsealed roads, but surely it will just turn out to be two or three dsays of interesting road…

Fin del mundo

Good sleep, but early rise. I am doing something new today, I’m traveling in group. Last night I got to know a group of Italians from Alessandria in Piemonte, who are just about to finish their titanic endeavour from Puerto Montt in Chile in just a month. Renato, Matteo, Carmelo e Franco saranno i miei…

The gospel was written by cycle tourists

It occurred to me today that the gospel writers might indeed have been cycle tourist. I can just picture them riding around the Galilean planes sporting colourful Ortlieb panniers, discussing what is the best gearing ratio for the long distance set up. No seriously they must have been touring bikers otherwise they would have not…

To Rio Grande

And we’re off. At long last the tyres are hitting the ground and I’m getting some milage onto the chart. The people at the hostel are ever so kind and the host lady gives me a big kiss and wishes me safe travels. As I get out of the shelter of the built environment I…