Europe in between

So, that’s it, another big trip is over. After Europe, Oceania and South America in bicycle, Europe and North America in motorbike and a bit of kicking about in between I’m back on the mother land and on my way to spend a few weeks between the UK and Italy before I set off again…

New York

Second stop is the Big Apple. I have not been in New York for quite some time, 2005 to be precise. This will be the third time, the first was in 1999. The flight is short and sweet and getting around is almost too easy, I only have a backpack, no need to worry about…

Route 66 Pt.1

Route 66 is a classic motorbike ride. It coes from Santa Monica in California to Chicago in Illinois crossing: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois. I have seen a bit of it while staying with Ken in Rancho as it runs very close to his place and through San Bernardino, over…

Southern California

Oh what a lovely time I had in San Francisco, it’s now time to move on and the first step is not a big one. I’m going south along the coast towards Santa Cruz before turning inland to go and see Google campus and then stay the night with another new friend that I acquired…

Vancouver Island

Out of the city and back in the wilderness of Canada. Vancouver was good but now it’s off to the Island and see if all the people that told me good things about it were right. First thing, as I queue for the ferry, I meet this bunch of bikers that are going my same…


Page was a success, I am now looking forward to get back in the mountains and for sure The Zion National Park will provide that. I have elected to go over the river and skip the Grand Canyon proper, I’m stopping in Flagstaff on the way back so I’ll see it then. the north rim…


I’m heading west again, out of Colorado and into Utah to visit the Arches National Park. I was alerted to this beauty by an American hiker up in Iceland early in the year and as it is on the wrong side of Utah from Las Vegas I’m doing it on the approach rather than on…

Into the USA

Getting back to Winnipeg from Riding Mountain Park had that sense of coming home you feel when you go to a place you’ve been before, it is a sensation I relish as it is so rare in my day to day life, might have to do something about that. It is only for a night…

9 Finger Ranch

I have to stay in Manitoba a little bit longer, the USA will have to wait. I had the motorbike serviced on Wednesday and I ordered a new back tyre which will be fitted on Monday. Also I decided to invest in a security chain, Canada seems to be largely crime free but I’m not…

Milestones: 10,000 Miles (motor)

The mean of transport changes but the loupe is still there. I thought about writing on the Inukshuk but then I preferred not to, in sign of respect for the spirit. So I parked the bicycle for a while, turns out it might end up being for a couple of years, as the ambition to do…