Off again

It’s the 24th of November and I’m some thirty five thousand feet over the the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. How could this happen? you’re asking yourselves. Well let me give you a brief run down of the last two months.

Landed in a still empty flat, three days of sleeping on the floor in front of me.

I was not meant to stay in Italy as long as I did but doing so allowed me to see a whole bunch of people I had not seen for a very long time. The purchase of the flat in Glasgow was completed on the 9th of October but I stayed in Italy another ten days after that date to help my parents with some hospital stuff.

After that I packed all the stuff I need for my next trip, which in this case involved the bicycle, and flew to Glasgow. there I took possession of the flat and spent five weeks both setting things up, resting and preparing for the winter.

Nutritious and delicious
My neighbourhood.
Best of Glasgow
The inevitable IRN-BRU can
10 minutes walk from the flat

In that time I saw friends, was visited by others and, among other things went to see U2 in concert. In the end I was ready to go again and I spread my wings in southernly direction.

Not been to a concert for a long time, looking around made me feel young.
Lots of oldies though
Everything you know is wrong.

As I said I’m currently a bit past mid way through a nineteen hours flight that first took me from Glasgow to Amsterdam, is taking me from there to Buenos Aires and eventually will deliver me to Montevideo, from where my south American bicycle journey will start.

2015-11-25 00.31
Somewhere over the Atlantic
2015-11-25 00.30
Going very fast

The plan is to land and ride in two days to Punta Balena, some sixty miles east of Montevideo. There I have made contact with the owner of a hostel and I will work for him in exchange for bed and board for a few weeks in order to get my Spanish to a level at which I can have a conversation.

After that I will jump on the bicycle and ride across Uruguay, get a ferry for Buenos Aires and from there ride all the way to Ushuaia in the Tierra del Fuego. After that the plan becomes a bit more non specific as I could come back up through Argentina or I could cross the mountains and follow the Chilean coast to Santiago, we’ll see.

Anyways I’m on the saddle again and this time I’ll be posting more regularly so stay tuned for more verbosity and, hopefully, some decent pictures.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. David Bills says:

    If need a direction after Tierra del Fuego, just ride north until you get back to Texas. Shouldn’t take you too long, and we’d love to see you. : )

    1. Alex says:

      That is tempting, I am sure I’ll be stepping onto the hallowed ground of Texas before 2016 is out.

  2. Andrew Clowes says:

    Can we have some of those riding / cool music videos too please?

    1. Alex says:

      Not sure this can be achieved before I start cycling. But the good news is that I have the GoPro with me.

  3. Raimondo says:

    le foto sul cellulare sono piccole per la nostra vista, mettile sul compiuter.

    1. Alex says:


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