Finally Kangaroos


A day for ducks and kangaroos

When I got up this morning it took me a while before I decided that I was going to cycle today, wether I did the right thing I’m still not sure.

I knew today it was going to be rainy but the thought to spend it in Woodside was less than appealing and I had very many options if I wanted to bail out at any point.

I made it all the way to Seaspray for breakfast only I misjudged the capacity of the tank as I run out of energy a good ten miles short of the mark, an emergency Mars bar was deployed.

Does the sign need to be on fire to reach code red?
Does the sign need to be on fire to reach code red?

In Seaspray it started raining with some intensity and I contemplated stopping at the caravan park, only it was very uninspiring and I had just been reinvigorated by a splendid burger and chips.

I kept going and started following the coast northeast.

Route 3,040,222 – powered by


Another ten miles and the rain intensified and I found myself trying new and creative ways to keep visibility while not getting too wet. I will buy a new helmet when I get back to Europe but today told me that I will need one that fits under the hood.

Pouring gasoline onto a domestic dispute would not be sufficient to get a fire going in this weather.
Pouring gasoline onto a domestic dispute would not be sufficient to get a fire going in this weather.
On the other side of the strip of land, the lagoon.
On the other side of the strip of land, the lagoon.

The route was rather unexciting, a very high dune was separating me from the roaring sea and only occasionally one could walk down paths to see the rather unspoiled beach. I did so only once as the rain had magnanimously stopped for five minutes.

As far as the bike can get towards 90 miles beach.
As far as the bike can get towards 90 miles beach.
Probably longer than the New Zealand counterpart but not as impressive.
Probably longer than the New Zealand counterpart but not as impressive.

In another 30 minutes I got in the vicinity of Golden Beach, one of the various ghost town along the coast, empty in this season but busy in the summer.

I had all but given up in the quest to spot local wildlife when almost by chance I looked up and on the left of the road  I saw these two fellas. I was just at the outskirt of town so these must be well used to live with people, so much so that I had to whistle to get the big one to look up while I was taking the picture.

I lift my head and there it was, chewing away a bunch of soft grass.
I lift my head and there it was, chewing away a bunch of soft grass.
Not too far behind what I assume was the young one being generally less active and more curious.
Not too far behind what I assume was the young one being generally less active and more curious.

So the tally now is:

  • Kangaroo: 2 (+2)
  • Koala Bear: 0
  • Fox: 3 (+1 dead by the side of the road)
  • Wombat: 4
  • Snakes: 0
Golden Beach, after here the rain really got hard.
Golden Beach, after here the rain really got hard.


I stopped in Golden Beach to read the board and a little later to get a coffee. The rain looked like getting worse so I braved the elements for the last 18 miles knowing that once I got to the camp a warm shower would have cured any ill.

In the end camping was not an option tonight as the campsite was waterlogged and I got a reasonable deal on a cabin. The good thing is that the cabin has an electric heater and I managed to get all my stuff dry.

The weather will be dull but better tomorrow and then will progressively get better through the week end, if I’m lucky I might be back to camping and dry riding.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Mike walker says:

    Malcolm and Irene have asked me to pass on a message – ‘ best wishes, Alex, stay safe ! ‘

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