
The last stop on the way to the UK is Copenhagen. I get there in the evening after a red eye from NY to Oslo and an afternoon flight from Oslo to Copenhagen. Oslo airport is nice but not nice enough to justify spending 6 hours in it. Unfortunately this is what happens when you go for cheap fares.

The other side effect of the choice of vector is that the quality of the service is not always high. In this particular case, flying with Norwegian Airlines for the first time, made me score the enviable stat of 100% baggage lost. One flight, one backpack gone astray. I got it delivered to my friend’s place on Sunday but it made want to try a hand baggage only trip at some point.

The choice of Copenhagen was informed by the desire to meet another friend I had not seen for a very long time, Max. We were young idealist together and, back in the days we thought we were going to change the world. As it turns out the world has changed, mostly not for the better and we had very little hand in it.

Feels a lot like home
Getting some reading tips from old marxist to old marxist.

Max works in the same line of business I did, computing. He’s a system architect and travels a lot. Talking to him made me think about the time when I worked and, as I many times say, while I’d love to change my current life with the life I had, I do not miss the computing world. If I was going back to work I’d like to do something different, perhaps something AFK.

We spent most of the time together chatting away. Max is now sharing his life with Guida, a South African of Portuguese origin, they both are a great deal of fun and we had, as one says, a right laugh. Aside from the couple of walks in town we enjoyed the warm comfort of the home, it’s cold outside in Copenhagen, especially for poor little me, just coming from a barmy Miami.

And good food
Team work

End result, wow
Baby parking, outside, and straight into the pub.

I did not get to see much of Copenhagen, but that was not the point of the visit. I’ll be back another time, perhaps in the summer time when visiting is much easier and possibly the outdoors more bearable. Last hop now and I’m in London. It was a long summer and it’s now the end of the fall, I met exceptional people and saw breathtaking sceneries, it’s time to go home now.

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