The Slovak route to Vienna

I wanted as much time as possible in Vienna so I left Prague early, in front of me there is a long stint of motorway across the Czech countryside and then a lunchtime stop in the Slovak capital Bratislava.

Out of the Czech republic and into Slovakia

This borderless Europe is really easy, you go from country to country without having to stop. Of course I miss all the benefit as I have in fact to stop every time I take a picture, but that does not matter so much.

No rain means good progress and I get into Bratislava very early. The  first thing I do is to get to the top of the hill where the war memorial is and that allows me a fairly good view around giving me an idea of what to do next.

Totally illegal parking in Bratislava, but it had to be done.
View over the castle, pretty
A view of the Kamzic TV tower from the Slavin war memorial

Unfortunately I’m uninspired so I end up going around a bit with the motorbike and then hang a right towards Austria.

There appears to be quite a dramatic difference between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, rich the former, a bit run down the later. On the other hand you can also see in Bratislava the sign of former glory days, shame that they are left to crumble.

Splendid once but now a bit run down.
The Prezidentský palác in Bratislava is rather splendid
More past splendour gone sideway.
The home feel away from home

To get out of Bratislava is not easy, there are road blocks and I wonder if they are related to current refugee crisis, eventually I get over the border and follow the Danube all the way up to Vienna.

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It’s Sunday and Vienna seems really quiet, perhaps it’s just around the hotel. In vienna I have splurged a bit and I am in a slightly nicer establishment. I check in rest a little and then it’s off to discover the city.

The only bum I saw in Vienna. There are worst places where to sleep rough.
Tram, lights, steeples and clouds.
A touch of honesty
More majesty in the architecture.

As it turns out it’s just that I am staying in the business district and I only have to walk a few hundred yards to find where it is all happening. In front of the county hall, the rail network people have organised a concert and there are kiosks selling chips and sausages till the eye can see.

Do you really think I have it in me to resist?

The Rathaus park
I just got struck by the light
And the clouds
In front of the county hall the Viennese were rocking.

Once I leave the concert and sausage party, it’s time to plunge myself into the pedestrian centre where the majestic building form a procession and it is difficult to decide what is more worth immortalising.

And turning around you just have the Opera House.
A short walk from the Austrian Parliament Building
Hofburg from Michaelerplatz
And from under the dome
Busy pedestrian Vienna on a Sunday afternoon
And art deco is to be found here too
Katholische Kirche Domherrenhof gothic at its most extravagant
Vienna, as one would expect it.

It’s a fairly long walk and I see many more incredible views that I take pictures of. I am by the river now and it’s time to rest. There is a little place just at the side of the bridge where they have created an enclosure with sand and beach loungers, I get a beer and I spend a few minutes admiring the majestic sky. Then it’s time to walk back up the road and find a place to eat.

Mesmerising sky over the beer stop at the river side.

I find an ok place and I have some food and a beer, nothing to write home about and then I’m off to bed, I’m doing four states and three capitals tomorrow.

Did not catch the way in but I was ready for the way out.