Going naked

Feeling light as a feather, without all that ballast

Short day today, half biking, half resting. I was not too sure about the weather so I got up with ease and eventually decided to go for  short ride (20 miles) up the coast, rather than spending the whole day glued to the screen.

I had always thought it was going to be a day without panniers but in the original plan I was going to go all the way around the top of the Coromandel peninsula. I don’t feel I missed out too much by not doing so, it was nice and I still got to do a bit of relaxation in the afternoon.

Lots of these christmas pudding island in this area.


I rode 11 miles up the coast and then came back, took a few pictures and toiled over a couple of hills, in the end the experience of cycling “naked” (no panniers), was a bit underwhelming as I think the bike handles better with the load.

The panorama kind of closes the bay a bit but I guess you get he idea.


Route 2,970,532 – powered by www.bikemap.net


View from a top.


Not many hills but there was a big one and that allowed me to take this great picture (above).

Imagine me sitting down here having an ice cream.
And this was the view on the other side


8 miles into the ride I saw a shop and I stopped to get an ice cream, this part of the coast is lightly populated and apart from a few campground there is not much of a human presence.

The other thing of which there is much is fishing, as in amateur fishing. I was going to find out later in the camping just how loud and neanderthal can ageing fisherman be as a bunch of them were staying in the campsite for the night.

Not sure what they are but they are pretty.
And they fly.


When i got to roughly 11 miles I decided to stop and enjoy the sun for  while, it was a great day and sitting there in front of the sea brought me back memories of doing just that with Tarn and us telling each other that we should really move to live by the sea. We never did, but I still see why we both thought it was a great idea, you can sit there and just watch the waves coming for hours on end and you never get tired of it.

View from the bench
Catching the birds in flights is no mean feat.


After a while I turned back and started the 11 miles back to Coromandel and the camp.

More letterbox art.


When I got there I washed and got changed and then went into town for a beer, I was hoping there were going to be some nice shops or interesting sights to see but there was nothing really other than a few coffee shops and pubs.

I bought some fruit, had a beer and turned back to the camp where the internet came to the rescue in the shape of a chat with the folks in Italy and a movie. I did not write this last night and I’m unsure I’ll find coverage in the middle of nowhere place where I’m going to sleep tonight so there might be a degree of delay in the posts, I’m sure you’ll cope 🙂

One Comment

  1. julca says:

    Vivere al mare penso anch’io che deva essere una cosa meravigliosa, anche se persino lì c’è la stagione delle mareggiate! Il mio sogno è la collina marchigiana…un passo dal mare,niente caos l’estate, niente mareggiate l’autunno!
    A presto! Un bacio.

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