
Good evening folks. a little later than usual but here I am with the daily log. Last night I was Couchsurfing for the first time in my life and it was interesting. I’n not sure what I expected but it was an eye opener. I sat, chatted and slept in the house of a perfect stranger (not stranger anymore by the way) and I’m still in one piece.

i actually found that I had a lot in common with Noel. Aside from the fact that he works for a university and I did until a few months ago, we both believe that there is something not quite right with the world we live in, the only difference being I think is that he still wants to do something about it while I just want to get away from it.

This morning I started the flattest day I have had so far, and that I’ll have for a while, by going from Lancaster to Blackpool. In the process I took the bike on the Fleetwood ferry (the whole 2 1/2 minutes of it) and rode against the wind onto the shoreline in Blackpool.

That’s right, not really rush hour. Only another 3 passengers with me.

I had lunch in Blackpool and then rode my way into Preston where I am staying with Malcolm and Irene (Tarn’s uncle and aunty). Malcolm and I had a couple of pints at the local and then a glass of wine with dinner, I’ll tell you tomorrow night what kind of effect it will have on the 58 miles stage I’m facing.

Route 2,830,531 – powered by

The truth of the matter is that I’m a bit concerned about tomorrow’s stage. 48 miles of fairly flat terrain will see me meeting Andrew that will do the last hilly 10 miles with me.

Screen Shot 2014-10-17 at 21.37.30
Tomorrow’s profile

Enough to say that those 10 miles include some of the route of the Tour de France 2014 to see how I might need ambulance, defibrillator and lots of specialistic help by 16:00.

Chi vivrà vedrà

Tune in tomorrow to see the result and in the meantime enjoy my look for today.

Don’t I just look like I should have a chopper instead?

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Peter Davies says:

    Alex – very much enjoyed reading your log/journal of your travels. Beard is getting shorter I notice – maybe as you go south to warmer climes, it will eventually come off all together! I only grew mine many years ago to keep my chin warm in the winter!! All the best, Peter

  2. julca says:

    In bocca al lupo per domani. Ce la puoi fare.

  3. Noel Cass says:

    Hi there Alex! Great to have you stay as a guest – I wish you many more positive couchsurfing experiences. I would also recommend – a hosting community specifically for long-distance cyclists. I am yet to meet anyone I didn’t like through either community. I am glad that the way was flatter after I left you at Cockerham – a great extension to my morning commute! Fair winds (tody we have gales here)… 😉

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