Here’s to 37 fab days in the south island.
The ferry is leaving Picton at 10:45 and check-in is at 10:00 soI figured that, to be on the safe side, I should leave the camping at 8:00. This meant getting up before dawn and starting to pack. Well it was cold and wet and the tent was wet too, folding the whole thing up was a pain and my hand were well frozen bt the end of it all.
All that said I was on the saddle by 8:00 but the cold feeling meant that when I saw a bakery next to the road just outside Blenheim I could not resist and I warmed myself up with a double espresso and a large slice of carrot cake.
Filled with all that there was no more time to waste and I was on the way to Picton.
The road to Picton was easy with only a small climb at the very end but I was plagued by early morning fog and a police car overtaking me gave me enough paranoia to make wear the helmet all the way to the ferry.
Pretty soon I realised though that I had plenty of time and I would make the check-in time with ease and it was not a problem to stop for a shot or two.
After I checked in and got the relevant instruction I had 15 minutes spares and I thought it might be a good idea to address the problem I had stored for myself in the morning, namely packing the tent wet. Naturally a wet tent does not just keep its wetness for itself so it ended up that the drying line was longer than I expected.
I folded all up, all dry in 20 minutes and proceeded to board the ferry, this time I was the only cyclist going north but I had a whole train for company rather than cars and trucks.
The ferry ride was much better than on the way down and I took a few pictures, but most of all just sut on the top deck getting cuddled by the warm sun of the early autumn.
So it is now north island again and for a month and a half. By my calculations I should have another 28 day of cycling 5 days of sailing and 11 days of rest before I leave New Zealand. Let’s hope the weather stays with me a little longer.