All over Thailand

Arriving in Thailand for the first time, my anticipation runs high. The initial experience involves landing, taking a cab to the hostel, and collapsing in exhaustion. Tomorrow promises exploration, but for now, rest is paramount. With just a few days in Bangkok before heading south to the Similan Islands for more diving, my excitement is palpable.

My knowledge of Thailand is gleaned from movies, encounters with a handful of Thai individuals over the years, and, notably, my appreciation for Thai cuisine. As a devoted fan of Thai food, my taste buds serve as a flavorful introduction.

Setting priorities, the first full day unfolds into a sightseeing marathon across Bangkok—exploring numerous temples, soaking in the vibrant street ambiance, and encountering the occasional Buddhist monk.

Weary but content after a day of exploration, I return to the hostel and engage with fellow travelers. Little did I anticipate that conversing with them would reshape the entire trajectory of my journey. Thanks to their influence, what started as a return from diving transformed into a northward journey to Chiang Mai and Pai, culminating in the vibrant revelry of Songkran.

Before embarking on this new adventure, and despite the floating markets being labeled as a tourist trap, I decide to experience them firsthand. Surprisingly, what could have been a cliché turned out to be a fortuitous encounter that would brighten anyone’s day.

As the morning progressed and we wrapped up the boat portion of the tour, my attention was captured by a delightful woman who seemed to be part of the same excursion. Boarding the minivan destined for the elephant park, I observed her being bothered by a group of four Indian gentlemen. Drawing on my familiarity with the ways of some individuals from the subcontinent, I stepped forward. With a smile that suggested a long acquaintance, I asked if I could join her. She appeared relieved, and as we engaged in conversation, we began to learn more about each other.

We shared the experience of elephant riding, enjoyed a drink together that evening, and she graciously recited Farsi poetry for me. Although I may not have fully grasped the meaning of the words, I was completely captivated by the melodic beauty of the language. The following day was spent exploring various shops together, as she was on her last day and needed to purchase souvenirs for her family. It was a genuinely enjoyable time, awakening a sense of joy within me that I hadn’t felt in a long while, all thanks to a encounter with a Persian princess.

After leaving Bangkok, the journey heads south. Transitioning from never having experienced diving to exploring the depths in three distinct exotic locations within just a couple of months feels like a remarkable accomplishment. I’ve recently secured a reservation for a cruise aboard the Similan Explorer, captained by an enthusiastic individual from Italy. On this voyage, I anticipate meeting a diverse group of incredible individuals and navigating the crystal-clear waters of a pristine marine reserve.

Beyond savouring delicious meals and enjoying exhilarating dives, we also engaged in island hikes. Most importantly, we had the opportunity to connect with people whose backgrounds differed greatly, yet who all shared a common passion for adventure and the thrill of living life to the fullest.

Scuba diving had been an absolute blast, but what awaited me next was beyond my expectations. After a flight back from the southern region, I made an overnight pitstop in Bangkok at the dreariest airport hotel I’d encountered in ages. From there, another flight took me to Chiang Mai, a city unfamiliar to me until a fortuitous conversation in the hostel enlightened me. Serendipity placed me in that part of the country just in time for the annual Songkran water festival, dictated by the lunar calendar.

But let’s chronicle this adventure step by step. Upon landing, I secured accommodation and promptly connected with fellow travelers I had met in Bangkok, all brimming with excitement for the upcoming festivities. I dedicated half a day to a mix of sightseeing and the quest for water-fighting paraphernalia. Eventually, I acquired a vibrant yellow and orange pressure-spouting gun, perfectly complementing the drenched ensemble I envisioned for the following day.

When the awaited day arrived, we gathered, reveling in water play and capturing moments of an entire town being doused in merriment. It was uproariously amusing, akin to a joyful regression of four decades, where finding delight in nothing more than soaking strangers and friends alike was entirely acceptable. As the day waned, we reconvened amidst friends in the alleyways filled with street food, an experience undoubtedly worthy of being immortalized in the yearbook.

Songkran left a lasting impression, but with several days before my return to Bangkok and the continuation of my journey, I decided to rent a scooter and head to Pai. Renowned for its Hippy vibe and laid-back atmosphere, Pai seemed like the perfect antidote to unwind from the intense experiences of the preceding days.

En route, I relished the breathtaking Thai outdoors, a spectacle in itself that justified a trip to the country. Upon reaching Pai, I discovered the world-famous Circus Hostel awaiting my arrival. Over the next few days, I engaged in leisurely exploration, relaxation, and writing. Little did I know at the time, I was planting the seeds of a relationship that would endure for many years.

To conclude, I found myself back in Chiang Mai, with another day to immerse myself in the local culture and yet another night out with both new and old friends. All in all, it was a week to remember in what can only be described as the journey of a lifetime.

And now, off to Africa, for nearly a month…

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