Hostel Punta Ballena Bar

Life at the Hostel Punta Ballena Bar is pretty easy at the moment. I have finally started doing some work and I’m not feeling like a complete freeloader anymore. Violet (other WorkAwayer) and Martin (the boss) get at each other a bit, Violet’s Spanish is way better than mine but I am catching up quickly….

Getting started in Uruguay

So, I’m in Uruguay. The landing is a bit bumpy, not the plane, that is. The plane from Buenos Aires in particular is nearly empty. What is bumpy is the money. I get out of the terminal and proceed to the first cash machine which itself not only does not give me cash with the…


Getting out of Brussels is not easy! This is more so if the weather is not great. The journey starts overcast but by the time I get to the border with Germany it’s positively chucking with rain. I’m wearing the overall but there is a limit beyond which any weather gear cannot go and around…

Finish rest reload

Something I had not been doing for a long time I did believe I could do it and I did it. I got to Vieste and my sister in 8 days completing more than 530 miles in the scorching heat in just 8 days. The last day was a bit of a trial for several…

Of long riding and good food

Once you get going, you go further and further.   Sleeping on lake Trasimeno was the last of the hot nights. It did not rain but there were plenty of lightnings that I spent the evening admiring from my lake front lounger. In the morning I was ready to roll and eager to leave Tuscany,…

Milestones: 5000 Miles

Five thousand miles, last milestone in New Zealand. So here are the facts and figures for these 1000 miles. Cycling Continents: 1 (Oceania) Countries: 1 (New Zealand) Nations: 1 (New Zealand) Cycled distance so far: 5000 miles (8045 Km) Climbing so far: 196,304 feet (59,833 m) Cycling Days: 24 Rest days: 9 Longest day: 72.10 miles (114.42 Km) Average per day: 49 miles…

Milestones: 4000 Miles

Four thousand miles, adding another 1000 miles of wonderful New Zealand to the total. So here are the facts and figures for these 1000 miles. Cycling Continents: 1 (Oceania) Countries: 1 (New Zealand) Nations: 1 (New Zealand) Cycled distance: 1000 miles (1609 Km) Climbing so far: 145,020 feet (44,202 m) Cycling Days: 20 Rest days: 5 Longest day: 65.66 miles…

Milestones: 3000 Miles

Three thousand miles and still going although in a slightly different direction. So here are the facts and figures for these 1000 miles. Cycling Continents: 2 (Africa, Oceania) Countries: 3 (Morocco, Italy, New Zealand) Nations: 3 (Morocco, Italy, New Zealand) Cycled distance: 1000 miles (1609 Km) Climbing so far: 98,337 feet (29,973 m) Cycling Days: 21 Rest…

Milestones: 2000 Miles

Two thousand miles away from Glasgow, and still going. So here are the facts and figures for these 1000 miles. Cycling Continents: 2 (Europe, Africa) Countries: 3 (France, Spain, Morocco) Nations: 4 (France, Basque Country, Spain, Morocco) Cycled distance: 1000 miles (1609 Km) Climbing so far: 35,094 feet (10,697 m) Cycling Days: 20 Rest days: 8 Longest day:…

Milestones: 1000 Miles

So, here we are, one thousand miles away from Glasgow, that would be by bike, and not on a terribly straight line. So here are the facts and figures. Cycling Continents: 1 (Europe) Countries: 2 (United Kingdom, France) Nations: 4 (Scotland, England, Bretagne, France) Cycled distance: 1000 miles (1609 Km) Climbing so far: 21,207 feet…