Life in the slow lane

I’m starting to make sense of this existence. I’ve been in Uruguay for a bit more than a week and getting used to this Work Away life. to start with it was a bit tricky as i did not feel I was pulling my weight, but then I realised that the rhythm of work to…

Milestones: 2000 Miles

Two thousand miles away from Glasgow, and still going. So here are the facts and figures for these 1000 miles. Cycling Continents: 2 (Europe, Africa) Countries: 3 (France, Spain, Morocco) Nations: 4 (France, Basque Country, Spain, Morocco) Cycled distance: 1000 miles (1609 Km) Climbing so far: 35,094 feet (10,697 m) Cycling Days: 20 Rest days: 8 Longest day:…