A woman’s take on crossing Africa from top to bottom. Well written and insightful in the description of the cultural and individual challenges facing the long distance cyclist. The fact that Helen has since completed other long distance adventures is testament that not only “you can do it”, but also that “you will love it”….
Category: Books
I’ll be home just after Christmas: Stories from four years around the world on a bicycle
Very well written, not overloaded with tech details but very good on “living the experience” bit. It gives you an idea of what are the challenges and, most importantly, what the rewards are in taking off for the greatest adventure. URL: http://www.worldwidebikeride.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id. [related_posts_by_tax format=”thumbnails” image_size=”medium” posts_per_page=”3″]
Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook
A bit of a bible, lots of information, references and first hand experience, if you read this and still want to do it then you might just. I found that reading in a linear fashion the first part and then dipping in and out of the individual trip contributions was an excellent way to get…