Washington State

Another border crossing and another opportunity to feel anxious. In the end, as usual, there are no problems and I, quite literally, sail through. The plan for the day is to get across from Victoria to Port Angeles, where my novelty twilight tour will start, then go to Neath Bay to learn more about the…

It’s too late

Early morning in Three Forks, it’s bloody cold, 3ยบ C, and it’s seven o’clock in the morning. Eric said the sooner the better so I have to go. Eric is a guy I met at Burning Man that asked me if I wanted to to for a six day rafting trip with him and some…

Big parks

Leaving Las Vegas is not as stress free as expected, it’s truly like the movie. The bike shop is closed as it’s Labour’s Day, those A-holes told me to come and pick it up on Monday, also the rental place is closed so I just have to drop the car and come back the day…

Welcome home

So, the time has come, Isabella is here and performing her acrobatics in the pool, I collected the RV and we’re off. Once we pick up Cristiano from the airport it’ll be directly north to Black Rock City. It’s a long journey from Las Vega to Reno where we have to stop to pick up…

Around Vegas

Bye bye Zion, for sure it’s just farewell and not goodbye as I think this magic place will see more of me. Only a few hours move to the city where everything goes, Las Vegas. The road there is as desert as I’ve encountered so far, even the welcome to Nevada sign is in the…


Page was a success, I am now looking forward to get back in the mountains and for sure The Zion National Park will provide that. I have elected to go over the river and skip the Grand Canyon proper, I’m stopping in Flagstaff on the way back so I’ll see it then. the north rim…


Arches was fun, the bonus was meeting Ken and I’m sure I’ll see him again when I double back past southern California. Amazing how many people one meets on the road. Recovering from the hell day of worrying I’m back on the road and, as Ceire (my magic Northern Ireland photographer friend) suggested, I’m off…


I’m heading west again, out of Colorado and into Utah to visit the Arches National Park. I was alerted to this beauty by an American hiker up in Iceland early in the year and as it is on the wrong side of Utah from Las Vegas I’m doing it on the approach rather than on…


After seeing Red Rocks I head for the Interstate and, I have to admit I70 is a super road, the scenery is great and it’s not your standard strip of tarmac covered in cars. After being politely refused entrance in two campsites on the way down the hill, they had a bear problem and only…


I liked Denver the first time I was there and, at the surface, it has changed little. There are however three major changes that I was going to appreciate in fullness in my two days there. The first it’s me. Last time I was here it was in the autumn of 2012 at a EDUCAUSE…